These kids are a lot like homeless adults you would find in any city in the U.S.
Take a walk through the square in Cusco and you will see them all the time.
If a small cute kid with a dirty face comes up to you to beg for money and you indulge him or her, you've made a big mistake. As soon as you show any sign of interest, six or eight more will be on you. No matter how much you refuse to give them anything, they will keep begging. They say, "amigo, por favor" in the saddest voices. They hold their hands out and tug at your clothing and if you have anything sticking out of your pockets, they may try to take it. It goes on and on. "Amigo, por favor, amigo, por favor." You say no and try to get away and they follow you. It won't stop until you go to a place where they are not allowed. I walk, they beg. The intensity builds. Then I reach the hotel and open the big, heavy door and walk inside. Just as the door is about to close and the kids are sure they won't be getting anything, I hear, "fuck your mother!"
I really like those kids.
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