Monday, May 2, 2016


When I was about seven, I answered the phone. It was my cousin,Jamie. She and my mom were pretty close and talked often. Being an obnoxious kid, I had this thing that I did when someone called for my mom. I would answer, the person on the other end would ask to speak to my mom. Instead of going to get her right away, I would just listen to what was going on on the other end for a few minutes. Usually, it was nothing. Well, that day when Jamie called I got a surprise. As I listened, she said to someone with her, "it's that little yard ape answering the phone again." I was shocked. I went and told my mom that she had a call, I also told her what Jamie had said about me. My mom was upset and gave Jamie a hard time for talking so unkindly about her little yard ape.

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